Micronutrients are essential elements that perform bioregulatory - often vital - functions for our body.

Vitamins and mineral salts are common examples.  

They are called micronutrients as their daily requirement is lower than that of macronutrients (except: Ca, Na, K, Cl).

Unlike macronutrients, micronutrients do not provide calories (energy). 

⭐️ The Vital Role of Vitamins 

In general, vitamins can have a protective, regulatory or pro-energetic function.

There are 2 types:

1️. Water soluble:

(Includes 8 types of B and C vitamins) This form dissolves in water and is generally found in foods rich in water such as fruits and vegetables. Also found in cereals (B1) and (B12).

2️. Fat-soluble:

(Includes vitamins A, E, D, K) This form solubilise in a lipid solvent (fats) and are generally found in butter, oil, colored vegetables (beta-carotene) and meat.

⭐️ The Mighty Mineral

The mineral elements, even if present in a small portion in our body (about 6% of our total weight) perform vital functions. In fact, they act as activators of enzymes in some biological reactions, or as regulators and transporters. 

There are 2 types: Macroelements and Microelements

The content of mineral salts and vitamins in foods is heterogeneous which means diverse. In fact, you can find them both in plant based foods, such as fruit and vegetables, and animal foods, such as meat, fish, eggs and dairy products


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